Getting started with Pathwright

Each course you find on Share Life University uses Pathwright and these training videos are here to help you get up and running quickly!

Pathwright provides a way for you to connect and learn alongside others in an easy-to-use interactive environment.

Here you will find two training videos to help get you going with Pathwright’s online learning platform. Pathwright provides a way for you to connect and learn alongside others in an easy-to-use interactive environment.


Featured Courses

Share Life Now

Take the first step! Learn how to share your faith with confidence!

We are here to help you be successful! During this course we will be teaching you the basics of how to share you faith with confidence. These are the steps we will be taking you through:

  1. Getting Started
  2. Diagnostic Questions
  3. Sharing The Gospel
  4. Leading In Commitment
  5. Beginning Discipleship

Click below and start making plans right now to be a witness.